We must also note that this program is created by
(most likely) men who have already received the
cultural message that good women tailor themselves
to meet the desires of men, and that men can
select (and indirectly tailor) women to meet their
desires. The program clealy runs on a view of
women as sexual commodities manipulated by men,
and the technology itself facilitates this
manipulation in a virtual sense. This is a
dangerous message, and the interactive nature of
the game may instill this message more powerfully,
but the message itself did not originate with the
programmers, the game, or the technology.

IF the point about role playing teaching men is
true, and the interactive format is more powerful
than other media, then there is a real opportunity
to write programs that teach men something
valuable about women's sexualities. Perhaps issues
could be worked in to the program around consent
and communication, women's sexual physiology,
safer sex, or the wide variation of experiences
different women find pleasurable at different
times. Randomizing the program could teach men
that not all women are alike in our appearance,
experience of pleasure, or sexual response.

